Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Art Dump Update

Been a while since I've updated this thing.. so without delay, here's some new work

An update to my Cosmonaut.  I have yet to actually give her color and finisher her up, but I still think the sculpts and low res models are worth showing

A frog study.  Modeled in Zbrush, via use of Dynamesh, presented in Marmoset Toolbag 1.05

Potential character designs for some future models.  The two characters are supposed to Nicolai Tesla and HP Lovecraft.  I'm working on a project in school based around a world where these two characters team up for adventures.

Some recent figure studies.  Been learning a lot about the construction of the body, the Riley Rhythms, and muscle groups.  It's really helping me to draw my figures more consistent.

A very recent school project, an illustration for Diablo III.  I roughed out my own composition, and have 3D models in the works to replace the painted characters.  My goal is to actually present the entire image in the round, but also present a single shot very close to the actual painted image.

Modeled in 3DS Max 2012, all hand painted in Photoshop

Fully rigged and posed